Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Other Pandemic

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,” ~ James 1:2

There is a worldwide pandemic afflicting countless millions of persons. Its reach is unlimited, and it constantly mutates so that only a tiny percentage of its victims are inoculated or cured. Its impact is felt in all areas of society, and every culture is susceptible to its consequences. Economies rise and fall because of it. Human interaction is limited due to it, often leading to lockdowns and isolation. It is credited with deprivations that lead to distrust and disunity, and misinformation abounds because of it. Hostility arises in its wake as blame is assigned to authorities charged with fixing it, and factions occur in support of or against them. Sadly, untold numbers will die from it. 

The rampant disease referenced here is not COVID-19 or its variants. Instead, it is negativity and hopelessness. They are highly contagious airborne pathogens that constantly mutate as they spew from televisions, radios, internet devices, and untamed mouths. Upon contamination, negativity, and hopelessness’ victims slowly descend into melancholy and angst. 

Idle hands and minds are most susceptible to the disease of negativity and hopelessness. Ironically, isolation and limited contact with others often accelerate decline and enhances symptoms. Victims of negativity and hopelessness frequently turn to folk remedies and placebos for relief and often become addicted. Excessive media, food, alcohol, and drug consumption is habit-forming and usually become a far more significant problem than the condition they are meant to relieve. 

Social interaction with positive people who rely upon the grace of God and whose hope is rooted in Scripture helps to prevent contamination. Daily doses of Bible reading and prayer are recommended for prevention. Humor, hobbies, sunshine, fresh air, and physical activity are all known to have exponential benefits in fighting negativity and hopelessness. These, too, can be habit-forming. 

Seek help immediately if you are sickened with negativity and hopelessness. Be prepared for rigorous therapy and substantial exertion. Unfortunately, there are no easy cures for severe cases. Christian victims are urged to remember the statement above since your positive attitude and faith in Christ for vastly greater joy in the present and future will annoy many. Don’t be surprised if they even persecute you when you approach human limitations with a divine perspective. They will mock you when you look beyond human capacity to cure and correct every ill. They will disbelieve you when you express faith in life beyond the grave, even beyond time and space. They will count you as sick mentally when you rejoice in suffering, especially for the sake of your beloved Savior.  Remember that they are victims of a dark pandemic of spiritual sickness fueled by the Enemy of the loving Father in Heaven. 

** IMPORTANT: Clinical depression is a genuine illness. It requires professional diagnosis and can be effectively treated with medication and counseling. If you’ve regularly tried the recommendations above and others without success, please seek help. Life on earth is rich and joyful most of the time. Sorrow is temporary. Please remember that the Creator of all things has opened His treasure chest of knowledge to humanity so that medical cures are most often expressions of His plan for healing and wholeness. The Spirit works through medical professionals every day for the sake of God’s people. God uses even unbelieving practitioners because of His deep abiding love. 

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