Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Be Courageous

 . . . he [she] is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.  ~ Romans 13:4 

    Biblical wisdom informs us of our LORD’s resolve to bring order where there is chaos, justice where there is oppression, and peace where there is discord. Likewise, we can see the Enemy’s fierce resistance. To be sure, where there is chaos, oppression, and discord, the Enemy cheerfully cackles with pleasure. 

    Imagine a season in which the LORD’s partners in peacemaking, justice, and order are among the most derided in a culture. A broad view of those divine partnerships includes many honorable men and women who serve their community in a variety of capacities. I’ve singled out a few unsung heroes in my weekly attempts to encourage lately. Today, I desire to uplift our protectors. 

    The Enemy is relentless in pursuit of his ultimate aim, the defeat of our LORD, Jesus Christ. Therefore, he orchestrates chaos, oppression, and discord within the human family, especially among those who would be the Bride of Christ. He generates fear and faithlessness, grief and sorrow, suspicion and hatred. He suppresses the good news by creating conditions wherein the weaker members of the evangel throng cower in angst. 

    Therefore, we are obliged to those who stand against incredible pressures to protect and defend the rest of us. Our protectors serve the LORD by enforcing just laws designed to enable intercourse and information for the sake of a greater good. They are partakers in the divine nature, if only in the execution of their righteous duties.   

    When protectors and helpers in our community stand in the breach between order and chaos, freedom and oppression, peace and discord, they are like Christ, who perfectly did so for humanity. His sacrificial death saved the divine creation. Similarly, the honorable dead among protectors gave all for the sake of others. 

    The protected should hold protectors accountable, just as we entrust our own accountability to the community, to humanity, to them. We must come alongside our protectors and helpers and their loved ones. We must think of them as we would our own family members, supporting, encouraging, and correcting as needed.

    While most of them go on, unheralded and misunderstood, they are the glue that binds our community together. The unbeliever will say there is no God, while pointing out the chaos, oppression, and discord. He will address the few protectors whose inner corruption causes the things we charge them with preventing, while ignoring the vast majority who honorably serve lest total anarchy reign. The Christian Believer must join the protectors in running toward the things that frighten us, because the cause is entirely justifiable. 

    Christian Believer, especially you, who choose to protect others, go about your daily tasks imitating Christ. Where He is courageous and unconventional, do likewise. Where He is gentle and resolute, be likewise. 

    Law enforcers always consider the spirit of the law. When the law is just and reasonable, enforce it in good faith. Where it and its authors serve the Enemy, delivering chaos, oppression, and discord, be courageous. 

    Evangel throng, do not grow weary in doing the LORD’s will. Proclaim His good news and serve at all costs for its sake. Consider your life and times from the Father’s eternal perspective and be courageous. 

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