Friday, September 11, 2020


“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. ~ Colossians 2:6-7


Last week at this time I was in Orlando, Florida for a brief but significant meeting with a small group of Christians who shared a common passion for the “the gospel of the Kingdom.” The phrase was coined by our convener, the author, and speaker, Frank Viola in his landmark work, “Insurgence. Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom.” (Baker Books (June 5, 2018)) Frank’s stated mission is “to help serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact.”


Most of my readers and hearers are aware that I proclaim a similar mission for the churches I serve as pastor. “To be disciples [of Jesus Christ], to seek disciples [of Jesus Christ], and to change the world” So, naturally, Frank and I speak the same language when it comes to the Church of our Lord, Jesus. It is not a denomination, a sect, or doctrinal statement that guides us, but a singular devotion to Christ as leader of His Kingdom and its subjects. While I am called by Him to serve in a certain context, His authority takes precedence over all others.


That is what it means to live the gospel of the Kingdom. It means that I pledge allegiance to Christ above allegiance to flags, denominations, and my own flesh. Loyalty to Christ is usually not so incompatible with patriotism, dogma, and tastes that it creates bitter contests, but I must be willing to accept conflict that arises due to my choices. I must be willing to endure hardship for His Name’s sake.


God’s people entered the Promised Land to establish His Kingdom on earth. The land was already occupied by pagan people groups. Their arrival caused consternation and brought conflict. It was an invasion. Christ’s Kingdom is also a Promised Land though it is not found on any maps. It is established within enemy boundaries and exists wherever His subjects are found. They are an insurgence. When we leave behind pagan idolatry, as in the land of Egypt, and enter the refining wilderness, we are preparing to enter the Promised Kingdom.


When the Apostle Peter proclaimed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus said that submission to Him as such would result in a force that the gates of Hell could not withstand. (Matthew 16:16-18) This statement reminds us that we are to approach the world of humanism, which is a kind of self-worship in the image of Lucifer [Satan], with the same confidence processed by Joshua [Yeshua] and the people of God at Jericho. When we proclaim that Jesus is Lord the walls come tumbling down.


Practically speaking, the Christian insurgent resists the enemy by denying his/her flesh. One undermines the enemy by choosing humility over personal glory; by choosing mercy over retribution; by choosing gratitude instead of complaining; by denying earthly gain, playthings, and idols so that he/she can give more to whatever matters most to the Lord, and by thinking eternally rather than temporally.


Unfortunately, many persons try to live with one foot in the Kingdom and one foot in the world. They are unwilling to give up the temporary for the sake of the everlasting. They are like the rich young man of whom Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.” (Matthew 10:25) Jesus said this because he came to save the part of us that was designed for eternity. He did not come to feed our flesh and its desires. The Lord does not invite us to pray for prosperity and success. Rather, He challenges us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10-13)


As we, the Shiloh family, as people of God move toward the Promise let us put away our fears of conflict in whatever forms we perceive it, whether in mockery or persecution and choose the insurgent life of true Kingdom dwellers. Let us band together as a force of good for His Name’s sake. Let us resist the status quo or religious programs, causes, and identities. Let us choose to shout at the gates of Hell and the walls of Jericho, “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He is the King and I am His faithful subject!”

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