Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Not Our Home

"And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." ~ Colossians 1:17

I awakened today further from home than I've been since last year. As usual, I emerged from sleep with a song in my memory. Today it was the chorus of "In You" by Mercy Me. I immediately thought about writing encouragement for you with my favorite vision inspired by this chorus. I will share it with you later. Before I do, I need to flesh out some things. I reviewed the lyrics of the entire song so that I might quote them accurately. It's good that I did so, since the song ties into the theme of my current setting and purpose with the precision of the Holy Spirit.

It may seem like chaos is ripping our familiar and comforting lives apart, but that is really a matter of perspective. It depends upon the news channels you follow, the commentators you listen to, or the view from your window. The Bible informs us that total chaos will only come when Christ Jesus stops holding things together. Every generation has known lesser apocalypses that, for a certain time and in certain places, were truly the end of life as those who were afflicted new it. Yet, they were not the final apocalypse. When it comes, the entire world, even the entire universe, will know it. In the same way, when Christ returns all creation will see Him and hear His voice.

The important thing to remember is that we don't belong to the world, if we belong to the King, Lord Jesus Christ. Every sincere commitment to new life in Him will be rewarded with ever increasing discomfort in the world of the flesh. If your heart is troubled by the absurd logic of humanism that flies in the face of God the Father's absolute truth, it is because you are gradually being remade into the image of Christ.

That being said, it bears repeating that we are to be the image of His love. Judgement is reserved for Him alone. The Christian believer's tastes are not the basis for justification. Faith in Christ crucified and His reign as ruler of His Kingdom justifies even those with whom we disagree about matters of the flesh. If Lord Jesus Christ is to increase as we decrease, then our role in His economy is determined by His call and assignment. He commands and we obey. For example, Christ commands that we forgive others seventy-times-seven times. (Matthew 18:22) Remember, it's not about you!

In the song I mentioned earlier the composer reminds us: It's no secret that we don't belong here; Though set apart by the grace of You; We look for the day when we go to a place; Where the old becomes brand new.
This is the essence of the wilderness journey. In the wilderness we die to our flesh and are made ready for the Promised Land. As we draw nearer to it, it draws nearer to us. When the prodigal child repented and died to himself he went home the father and found that the father was running to meet him.
While the chaos and brokenness of our world and our own lives trouble us, they only serve as reminders that we don't belong here. Therefore, keep it in mind as you navigate the wilderness and find your way home. Trust that the Father is running toward us. He will bring the fullness of His Son's Kingdom to your life and, in time to all of creation.

The chorus I had in mind as I awakened this morning says: In You where the hungry feast at the table; The blind frozen by colors in view; The lame will dance; They'll dance for they are able; And the weary find rest; Oh the weary find rest in You.
It we replace the word, 'you' with 'Your Kingdom' we can see even more clearly where the Body of Christ is headed. We must not lose hope for His Day is very near.

As promised, here is the vision I have every time I hear that chorus. My beautiful bride and I have five amazing children, two lovely daughters-in-law, and three precious grandchildren. Our two youngest children were born with Spina-Bifida. They have both endured more than I care to share here. They each have certain limitations, most noticeable are their struggles with walking. One child is lame and walks as such. The other is dependant upon a wheelchair for mobility. When I hear this chorus, I look forward to a day when they will be whole; when I will dance with my daughter and run with my son. The here and now life is challenging and often very difficult, but it is only a broken reflection. The King reigns in the hearts that temporarily dwell within broken bodies. In the same way the King must reign in us even amid the brokenness of our lives and our temporary homeland.

God bless you,
Pastor Dan

CCLI Song # 3479843

Bart Millard

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.

CCLI License # 1252648

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