Friday, November 13, 2020

He Knows My Name

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:27‬

         I adopted a two and a half-year-old German Shepard in August after she was rescued from neglect and abuse. She had become accustomed to a life of endless days tied to a tree. Now she lives with nearly constant companionship, regular meals, and compassionate leadership. She is very intelligent and intuitive. She has established her sense of family order and cast me as her master. Each day the dog and I work together to develop her new paradigm. Our mutual faith and understanding grow with time and I am amazed by her sensitivity to my habits, intonations, and moods. At first, my charge was often afraid and unruly but now she watches me for signs of leadership and listens for the sound of my voice. It’s amazing to note that she knows my voice so well that, even in situations where numerous distractions are present, my beautiful German Shepard hears her master’s voice - she even searches for it amid the din. It seems to please her to do my will. She seems to get joy from my leadership, especially when I lead toward her natural instincts. She’s a shepherd so I guide her toward being the best shepherd she can be and it makes her happy. 
         As you may have guessed, I see many similarities between my relationship with my German Shepherd and my relationship with Christ. Before being born again in Christ, I was tied to the world, tramping about in dust and mud, and in my own filth. My food and water were carelessly provided by a master who was tolerant of me at best. I barked at everything I feared or could not understand. I was frustrated and angry much of the time. Then, my new Master took me in. His companionship is constant, He provides good food and compassionate leadership. He has worked with me to develop my natural abilities and a new paradigm. Over time, I have grown in faith and sensitivity so that I have become familiar with my Master’s voice and better understand His timing and rhythms. I have gone from being an unruly disciple to receiving joy from being attuned to His voice. I love serving my Master as He brings out the best in me. I have learned to hear Him amid distractions and to take comfort from the sound of His voice. 

           My German Shepherd and I have similar instincts, and that’s probably why I have enjoyed serving my Master as a shepherd of His flocks for so many years. Like my German Shepherd, I still have a wild side that comes out from time to time. Like her, I feel guilty and look to my Master for reassurance when I’m afraid I have disappointed Him. Like her, I am never let down. The love is always there and the joy it gives is returned in an awkward but authentic way, like a dog trying to communicate with a man. Licks, nuzzles, paws, and yips feel like love and praise to the dog’s master and the same is surely true of our Master, Christ-Jesus. 

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