Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Feelings and Facts

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. ~ Exodus 20:2
    The King James Version of the Bible records the phrase “I am the LORD your God” 160 times. It is most frequently followed by the reminder that the LORD delivered them from slavery. Thus, it is apparent that God intends that His people do not forget to remember who they are in Him. After all, their ancestors made a golden calf and gave it credit for the works of God. It is said that those who fail to study history are destined to repeat its mistakes. Therefore, regularly remembering God’s faithfulness and glorious might increases faith. This truth reveals a substantial strategy employed by the Enemy—he insights rebellion against the LORD by diversion and deception. 
     Faith is often associated with feelings because some aspects are held in trust; “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) A Christian Believer necessarily “feels” assurance about things that he cannot prove empirically. Still, James asks, “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?” (James 2:14a) It’s like having faith in an elevator but being unwilling to enter it. Faith in an elevator comes from a combination of feelings and facts. 
    The wreck of the HMS Titanic was discovered on this day (9/1) in 1985. The true nature of its demise was a source of speculation until then. Reports from the media of 1912 and the recollections of survivors often contradicted each other, and feelings led to misinformation. So, a team of people dedicated years of their lives to researching and finding the truth about the Titanic. Since then, the legend of the Titanic was updated and, over time, embellished and looted over and over. Facts are exciting, but feelings generate more revenue - thus, the romance of Jack and Rose. 
    Overlooking the facts in any venture is a mistake. Christian living is the same. Remembering daily who the LORD is and how He has delivered you so many times before leads to feelings of security in the hardest of times. The gift of the Bible is the LORD’s way of communicating from outside space and time so that we have facts that inform our feelings of faith. Perhaps that is why the Enemy desires that it be rendered irrelevant and untrustworthy. 
    The Enemy’s diversions and deceptions agitate feelings that can run rampant in the streets, causing chaos like the winds of a relentless hurricane. The hurricane chaos casts aside historical facts and context for the sake of the flesh. The Enemy’s schemes are never more sinister than when they play out amid the Body of Christ. Therefore, it is essential to lean on the elders of faith who have withstood many challenges to their flesh while keeping and growing their faith. Beware though! Those elders will speak the truth in love that will often affect your feelings.  
    Here is a simple truth, given in love from someone who is not fit to untie the Master’s sandals. He saved me while I was a sinner. My works have nothing to do with it. But, if I live under His grace, doing and saying things that demonstrate a lack of faith in His nature, Why should you believe what I say about the LORD? My consistency shows more than I can say. It is the same with you, sisters and brothers. A life ruled by feelings is like a tin roof in a hurricane wind. Living rooted in truth and emitting the love of God is the surest anchor in the storm. 

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